Seven Paws Press
Circa 1999 - 2007
This was the website of Jodie & Steven FORREST
Alpha Lyra Consulting & Seven Paws Press
POB 2345, Chapel Hill NC 27515
919.929.4287; Fax 919.929.7092
Astrologers Trained by Steven Forrest
The content is from the site's 1999 - 2004 archived pages.
Steven Forrest's current website is found at:
Publishing House:
Astrology, fantasy & book sales Seven Paws Press
WHY ASTROLOGY? It can help you understand yourself better and make wiser choices. It's practical, specific and fast. It isn't a religion; it's a tool, and one of the richest and most useful we've found.
WHAT WE DO: Lots of things! We also have a publishing division, Seven Paws Press.
Welcome to Forrest Astrology, home of Jodie and Steven Forrest, and their companies Seven Paws Press and Alpha Lyra Consulting. From here you can schedule a reading, purchase books and audio recordings, read articles, check out the workshop schedule, and of course, a lot more. Enjoy.
As usual, Steve and Jodie are both merrily ripping along at Warp Nine. Here are some high points of their current trajectories:
* We offer SECURE ORDERING for holders of VISAs or MasterCards (sorry, no other types of cards)--your credit card number is encrypted, so you can feel totally safe ordering anything from us via this site. If you don't want to order online, see other ways to order.
* Jodie has published the concluding novel in her acclaimed historical fantasy "Rhymer" trilogy. Completing the epic tale of the Nordic-Celtic Mage, Tomas the Rhymer, Moira the Elf Queen, and their halfbreed twins, The Bridge: The Book of Necessityis available through Seven Paws Press. Michael Weaver has done a wonderful, haunting, mysterious cover, which is on our site.
* You may already know that we have two new URLs (website addresses). They both take you to the exact same website--this one! The two new URLs are, and We'll keep a link to the new URLs on our old URL for quite some time, but please bookmark the new URLs now.
* Steve has done his third weekend seminar with Jeffrey Wolf Green. Together, they are planning a book, Measuring the Night: Evolutionary Astrology and the Keys to the Soul. Based on a series of joint presentations around the country, the book will be published in 2000 by Seven Paws Press. Seven Paws Press is not accepting any manuscripts of any kind at this time.
&* Jodie and Steve have written a pair of relationship-oriented astrological "report writers." "The Sky We Share" analyzes the astrological dimensions of the bond between two people; "The Single Sky" is aimed at understanding the love-lives of single people. Alphee Lavoie and Sergei Tarasov of AIR Software wrote the program itself. AIR astrologer Carol Lavoie worked closely and patiently with them in refining the text, and designed a beautiful cover, so these reports make a lovely package.The relationship reports are now available!
Jodie has posted a shorter, interim version of her astrological survey, "Women and Mars; Men and Venus." She did a preliminary lecture based on the survey at the Astro 2000 conference in Denver in April 1999, and plans more work in this topic in the future. Right now she's conferring with some people who are savvy about statistics and databases, prior to revising the survey. Men and women who are interested in surveys addressing planets traditonally associated with one gender more than the other, please give Jodie and her generous colleagues a few weeks to get the final version up on the site.
* Need a copy of your birth certificate? As a service to you, our site now has a list of addresses for the relevant agencies, state by state, within the U.S.
* On our home page, you'll now find a link to the Birthdays of the Month page, which we'll update every month. If you want to know what famous people were born on your birthday in the current month, follow the link to the Birthdays of the Month page.
* ACS has published a new edition of Steve's first book, The Inner Sky. It's available now. The only difference from the former edition is a beautiful new cover, with a blurb from Sting!
* The Book of Pluto has also been reprinted by ACS, with a glowing storm cloud image on the cover.
* Steve has re-written his early classic, The Changing Sky, for ACS Publications. It's available from us now. The main difference, besides the new cover, is the addition of a long "cookbook" section detailing all the specific Secondary Progressions.
* There's serious talk of bringing out a new edition of Steve's and Jodie's lamentably out-of-print synastry (relationship) classic, Skymates. We do have copies of the original for sale here at Alpha Lyra, by the way--check out our listing of books for sale
* Steve's Apprenticeship Programs in Laguna Beach, California, and in Kansas City are off to great starts. He added a second group in Laguna Beach at the end of February, 1999.
We've posted Jodie and Steven's own defnitions of the Norse Runes used as an oracle. After much research and experimentation, we've derived succinct interpretive meanings for each Rune. Also, you can find these definitions of the Runes in the first pages of Jodie's third "Rhymer" trilogy novel, The Bridge: The Book of Necessity .
* Doug Margell's Ecliptic Artworks makes beautiful handcrafted ceramic horoscopes, about 18" across, with your choice of materials for the planets and nodes, and your choice of colors. We have three and love them; Jodie does her readings on one with movable planets.
* In their spare time (!), with their band, Dragonship, Steve and Jodie are hard at work on their second rock opera, "The Elves' Prophecy," based on Jodie's second "Rhymer" novel. The first rock opera was a big exhausting success locally, and it is with some wonderment that they've launched into the second one. Steven, Jodie and their bass guitar player and good friend, Roger Windsor, are all pleased to have welcomed two new members and friends on board Dragonship: Christen Campbell, vocals; and Scotty Young, percussion. We're having great fun working on this new set of tunes together.
Meanwhile, we're welcoming some fall weather and the departure of NC's ground level ozone air pollution...please write your elected officials to support cleaner air legislation! Hurricane Floyd didn't hurt us at all; we were, mercifully, west of the flood line. (Please write your elected officials about global warming, too; it's not helping hurricane season any more than it is air pollution...) Our two black cats (a.k.a. the Seven Paws) are healthy, imperious and talkative, and we're more than ready to finalize Measuring the Night.
Jodie and Steven

Jump ahead a good 15 years since this website was created:
Steven Forrest needs no introduction, he is now a veritable rock star in the Astrological community, but with good reason. He is a really really good astrologer. For those of you who are not familiar with astrology, Steven Forrest practices what he calls Evolutionary Astrology, a term that he used in his 1984 book, The Inner Sky.
Forrest takes a radical position on the nature of fate and free will within the field of astrology. Evolutionary Astrology explores evolutionary developments and evolutionary progression of any Soul. Forrest states that "I unabashedly preach the primacy of free will in shaping our experience. In some more 'deterministic' astrological circles, this is blasphemy. I am personally confident that we humans are capable of changing ourselves, capable of evolution. None of us is limited to a 'nature' that is cast in stone by the positions of the planets. As we change ourselves, we make different choices and thus create different futures. You can now learn Steven's approach to astrology through audio downloads, webinars and online courses. Really…check out Steven Forrest’s current website at:
I first read about Steven Forrest’s Evolutionary Astrology when I was in Aspen skiing with some friends. We were staying at The Ritz-Carlton Club, Aspen Highlands surrounded by intermedium and advanced ski terrains including the legendary "Highland Bowl." Talk about a ritzy place. It was perfect for the seven of us, allowing us to ski in and ski out every day. We looked like the Seven dwarves in our different colored hooded ski jackets from North Face as we lined up on the slope that led to the ski lift to take us up. Every day we skied I appreciated my NorthFace ski jacket which kept me completely comfortable even on the coldest days. I felt like a walking advertisement for NorthFace products with my googles, gloves, snoga pants, and of course my jacket. After a particularly full day of skiing I was chilling in the large living room and happened to pick up Elle magazine. Flipping through it I saw a monthly astrology column which just happened to be written by Steven Forrest. It wasn’t until a year later that I picked up my first book by Steven Forrest. I have been a fan since. I particularly enjoyed his 2012 book, The Light of Venus: Embracing Your Deeper Feminine, Empowering Our Shared Future and a more recent book called The Book of Neptune.
BTW: To get the most out of this book requires at least a rudimentary knowledge of astrology. This need not be extensive, but should include knowing Neptune's sign and house position in your natal chart, any aspects between Neptune and the other planets. I enjoyed the depth of information about using Neptune to heal oneself emotionally and spiritually.
FOR RETAIL CUSTOMERS: The books below may be ordered directly from us online from our secure online store, or our (long!) secure order form, or over the phone (919.929.4287) or by U.S. mail. With the exception of Awakening to the Sky, Collected Articles on Astrology, and the cassette of the Forrests' music, they may also be ordered from any bookstore. If you want to support your favorite local bookstore, please ask them to look up the books in Books in Print (rather than in the Ingram database), and order it.
FOR BOOK DEALERS (not individual retail customers) in the U.S.: You may order from us directly, but you would probably get a better discount from our wholesaler and distributors: Baker & Taylor Books, New Leaf Distributing Company (not The Bridge), and Samuel Weiser / Red Wheel / Phoenix Book Distributors, 800-563-6050 (Weiser/Red Wheel/Phoenix does not carry any of our fiction).
Canadian book dealers: Weiser/Red Wheel/Phoenix has offices in Canada.
For European book dealers: in Europe, we are distributed by Gazelle Books.
Again, please note that Awakening to the Sky, Collected Articles on Astrology, and the cassette of the Forrests' music are available only from Seven Paws Press.
Here's our current list. Please click on the links below for much more about each title:
* The Rhymer and the Ravens: The Book of Fate, a historical fantasy novel by Jodie Forrest, the first volume of the Rhymer trilogy. Fantasy writer R.A. MacAvoy says: "Her writing is rich, lyrical, intricate; her books are a treasure." Dark fantasy writer Poppy Z. Brite calls Rhymer "the best historical fantasy I've ever read." ISBN 0964911302, $13.95.
* "The Rhymer and the Ravens" rock opera based on the novel. Music composed by Steven Forrest, performed by Dragonship. A cassette of the music is available only from Seven Paws Press, $10.00.
* The Elves' Prophecy: The Book of Being, by Jodie Forrest. Sequel to The Rhymer and the Ravens. ISBN 0964911310, $16.95
The Bridge: The Book of Necessity, by Jodie Forrest. Third novel of the trilogy that began with The Rhymer and the Ravens. ISBN 0964911329, $16.95
* Measuring the Night: Evolutionary Astrology and the Keys to the Soul, Volume One, by Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green.Based on a series of lectures the authors gave together. Co-published with Daemon Press. Foreword by Kelli Fox, edited by Jodie Forrest.ISBN 0964911337, $19.95
* Measuring the Night, Volume Two, by Jeffrey Wolf Green and Steven Forrest, with all new material. Co-published with Daemon Press. Foreword by Laura Gerking, edited by Jodie Forrest. ISBN 0964911345, Currently out of print.> We hope to bring it back into print in the future.
* Awakening to the Sky, by Steven Forrest. A 64-page spiral-bound monograph on the astrology of such deep space objects as quasars and globular clusters. Frontispiece illustration by Jodie Forrest.Available only from Seven Paws Press, $19.95.
* Collected Articles on Astrology, by Jodie Forrest and Steven Forrest. 68 pages, photocopied, spiral bound. Available only from Seven Paws Press. Articles written by both Forrests for different astrological journals. Available only from Seven Paws Press, $10.00.
* SKYMATES: Love, Sex and Evolutionary Astrology. THE NORTHERN PATH: Norse Myths and Legends Retold... And What They Reveal. Douglas "Dag" Rossman. Jodie Forrest, editor. The Northern Path recounts not just the Norse myths themselves and the world view underlying them, but what Rossman has learned from following the Northern Path himself for the past quarter-century. ISBN 0964911396, $15.95, 252 pages.

How did Seven Paws Press get its name?
For its Feline Overseers! We had a spoiled, affectionate, three-legged, one-eared, talkative Wise Elder Cat named Vincent, who will probably be human in his next lifetime. He left this world on July 29, 2000, and we will always miss him. Rest in peace, Vincent the Cat. Photo credit: Meredith Terretta. Thank you, Meredith!
As of Jan. 1, 2006, our new shipping rates are as follows.
NC residents, add 7% sales tax to all orders EXCEPT taped personalized interpretations, horaries and electionals.
mailed within the US (includes AK, HI, PR, APO and FPO), priority mail
sent within the US by Fed Ex standard overnight if available....................................$20.00
mailed outside of the US by US airmail....................................................................$17.00
(We do not recommend surface mail for taped interpretations.)
sent outside the US by Fed Ex standard overnight if available..................................$35.00
For orders ofcharts only, of five charts or fewer, shipping is $1.
For all other retail orders sent within the US (includes AK, HI, PR, APO and FPO), priority mail shipping rates are as follows:
$ 00.01 - $50.00.....................$7.00
$ 50.01 - $75.00.....................$10.00
$ 75.01 - $100.00...................$11.00
$100.01 - $150.00...................$12.00
$150.01 - $200.00...................$14.00
$200.01 - $300.00...................$16.00
$300.01 - $500.00...................$18.00
For all other retail orders sent outside the US by air mail, add $20.00 to the rates above.
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For all other retail orders sent outside the US by Fed Ex standard overnight if available, add $60.00 to the rates above.
Note: for some book orders, the order weight may require us to charge more for Fed Ex. If thats the case, we will notify you first.